Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Finished treatment using Final pitch

Finished treatment using final pitch

We will be using ideas mentioned in our pitch but will surely develop it more to make the overall thing up to a higher standard. We will also be using certain questions we said as a group during the pitch as those questions will be able to be put forward to the people we will be asking. Moreover , the video we inserted on to the pitch has general views and ideas about the culture and tradition of people that come from different countries which means we can use it to further develop our documentary as we can use bits and pieces of it during our filmed item. As a group we have decided that our pitch and the practice documentary we completed can be a starting point allowing it to give us a wider range of idea rather than sticking to one main topic which means we can go in more depth about the different countries and the people we will be interviewing in more of a friendly and wise way so that we are not distracting or irritating them in any way what so ever this means that they will be persuaded into answering our questions more freely  and as themselves in front of the camera during the filming of the overall Food and Culture documentary. 
